Canadian Portfolio
Terrazzo Restoration
- Union Station, Toronto, 2017, 2018, 2019
- Ontario Shores Hospital, Toronto, 2019-2020
- Skylon Tower, Niagara Falls, 2019
- Bridgepoint Hospital, Toronto, 2015-2016
- Vaughan Metropolitan TTC terrazzo restoration 2018
Façade Cleaning
- Custom Building/ Dominique Ducharme, Montreal, 2020
- Old Sears Building, Kitchener, 2020
- Cleaning & preservation of Massey Hall Theatre, Toronto, 2019-2020
- Façade granite protection, 95 Wellington, Toronto, 2019
- CCA Montreal, Rainville, 2019
- Cleaning & protection, 1 St Thomas, Toronto, 2019
- Brick Façade preservation, protection & salt removal, 7 St Thomas, Toronto, 2018
- Mac Block, Toronto, 2020
- Massey Hall Theater Toronto, 2019
- 47 Front Street, Toronto, 2019
- 481 University Toronto Asbestos paint removal
- Union Station lead paint removal 2020
- Private residences mold and lead paint removal 2017…2021
- Liberty Village lead paint removal 2017-2018
- Concrete columns waterproofing & salt protection, 407 ETR Highway, 2018
- Sculpture garden concrete restoration, Montreal, 2018
- Paint removal from metal beams, NTCC, Toronto, 2018
- Fireplaces & sculptures restoration Casa Loma Toronto, 2017
- Conservative laser cleaning, Wellington Wall Ottawa, 2016-2017
- Commerce Court north Toronto historical ceiling full restoration 2019
- Commerce Court north Toronto historical ceiling full restoration 2019
- 16 York Toronto loading dock concrete floors salt protection and waterproofing 2020
European Portfolio
Cleaning & Protection & Abatement
- Eiffel Tower’s, Paris
- Louvre Museum’s concrete stairs, Paris
- Façade of Italian Embassy in Moscow
- Saint Anthony’s Basilica
- Bell Tower (Saint George Basilica), cleaning & anticorrosion protection, Padua
- Piazza Duomo, Piazzale Cadorna, Piazza della Scala, Piazza S. Fedele, Milan
- Façade & conservative treatment of Vicenza, Rovigo & Bolzano train stations
- Palazzo S. Stefano, Padua.
Restoration & Maintenance
- The Vatican’s marble floors, Rome
- S. Marta Port Authority’s facades & internal finishes, Venice
- Palazzo Compartimentale/ Venice Train Station’s facades and internal plaster, Venice
- Santa Giustina and Praglia Benedectine Abbey (AD1650), Terrazzo floor.
Graffiti Removal
- City of Milan historical buildings
- Cities of Padua, Varese, Monza, Pavia, Treviso and Florence historical buildings
- University of Padua, Palazzo Moldura, Anticorrosion protection of earthquake proof rods
We can write technical specifications for bids pertaining to stone & specialty surface cleaning, restoration, protection & maintenance.
We offer service & support for Canadian clients nation-wide
1978 – PRESENT
- Restoration of stone pillars of Tour Eiffel in Paris
- Restoration of limestone staircases at Louvre Museum in Paris
- Restoration of St. George bell tower in Venice
- Restoration of plaster, bricks and marble of the train station in Venice
- Restoration of exterior façade of Italian Embassy in Moscow
- Restoration of main altar and other artifacts and monuments at St. Anthony’s Basilica in Padua
- Heritage terrazzo restoration at Praglia (Padua) medieval abbey
- Restoration and preservation of Duomo Square in Milan
- Heritage restoration of cloister and staircases at the monastery of St. Giustina in Padua, restoration and preservation of limestone facades of railway stations in Bolzano, Vicenza and Rovigo
- TTMAC Hard Surface Award
- Nicola Capomasi becomes an Executive Director at TTMAC
- Nicola Capomasi is nominated as President of G.It Gruppo Italia, an association of Italian- Canadian entrepreneurs aiming at facilitating company investments from Italy to Canada
- Terrazzo and Stone restoration and preservation at Union Station
- Repair work on all Terrazzo surfaces at Bridgepoint Healthcare
- Laser cleaning of Wellington Wall on Parliament Hill in Ottawa
- Terrazzo restoration at Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences in Whitby
- Terrazzo repair work for TTC
- Stone maintenance at Deloitte headquarters and RBC Dexia headquarters in Toronto
- Restoration of heritage facade at 7 St. Thomas in Toronto
- Stone maintenance at Four Seasons Hotel, Shangri-La Hotel, One King West Hotel
- Bisha Hotel, Park Hyatt Hotel in Toronto